Hand Jumper Wiki

A group of aberrants.

Aberrants are very rare individuals that possess superhuman abilities because they are able to manipulate their essence. Compared to normal humans, essence overflows in these individuals. Some aberrants use their powers to harm others, hence why they are considered dangerous by the general public.



Aberrants did not always stand on top of the natural world instead it was their forebears the Godlings.

Are humans that have a hint of Godling ancestry this ancestry is were gifts come from

The majority of present day Aberrants are unaware of their origin


Aberrants face constant discrimination by regular humans for fear of their unique abilities.

Testing for Aberrancy[]

Testing for aberrancy

Officer Ahn testing Sayeon for aberrancy.

Aberrancy usually manifests around the ages of 10 through 18 years old. Annual aberrancy tests are held at schools every year for students in this age range in order to detect aberrants. These tests are conducted by officers of the Aberrant Corps. Presumably, only officers with yellow essence conduct these tests because they are able to interact with the essence of others. The test is done in two parts. In the first part, the officer asks questions about the student's family history in order to see if there are any aberrants in the family. The officer does this since aberrancy is hereditary. If there is aberrant blood in the family, there is a high chance of the student being an aberrant. During the second part of the exam, the officer holds the student's hand for a few seconds and if a spark is produced the student has tested positive for aberrancy. However, in the case of Sayeon Lee, since she was overflowing with so much essence, Officer Ahn only needed to graze her essence to produce a spark instead of holding her hand.

Blue card

Peace Card given to those who test negative for aberrancy

Students who test negative are issued a Peace Card, which is required for work, buying goods, traveling and many other things. Students below the age of 18 receive temporary Peace Cards until they test negative on their final aberrancy test. Those who test negative on their last aberrancy test are granted permanent Peace Cards.

Those students who test positive for aberrancy do not receive a Peace Card instead they are forced to wear an essence cuff and are required to join the Aberrant Corps once they turn eighteen. The Aberrant Corps was created by the government to keep aberrants powers in check, and acts similarly to a police force. Once in the corps, aberrants become law-enforcement officers. Some aberrants refuse to join the corps and successfully avoid recruitment, becoming criminals or rouge aberrants.

Aberrancy Manifestation[]

Originally, it was believed that the only way to become an Aberrant was to have Aberrant blood in the family, however it was revealed in season two there is another way. In Episode it was revealed that an ordinary person can become an Aberrant by becoming a Godling's champion.


Aberrant Clans are formed when the Aberrant Corps members that survive into adulthood have children with one another. Over time, this can produce an exceptional line of aberrants that serves the Corps for generations. It is stated that the family name can eventually become legendary.

Known Clans[]


An Aberrant have amazing ranging from strength, agility and potential to recover from mortal injury

Twenty times strongers than normal humans.

Can kill with a flick of wrist because of their gifts.

Aberrants are granted enhanced physical abilities as well as unique powers, which depend on the colour of their essence.
