Ep. 3 - Final Test is the third episode of Hand Jumper.
Sayeon waits for Jaeil, her friend to came back to class, but he never came, so she thinks that he ditched class. Then the teacher called her to go to the aberrancy test. She talks to herself in her head that it is going to end well and after that, she will ace her exams like she always does, and the bright future will be ahead of her.
When she is in front the testing room, officer Cha opened the door for her from the inside, makes she think that he was listening through the door. She shows him her peace card and comes inside the testing room. Officer Ahn, the tester of this year greets her with a bright, friendly smile. She asked Sayeon about the number of aberrants in her family, but her tie distracted Sayeon, making her say the number on the officer's tie instead of the number of aberrants in her family, so Sayeon corrects her mistake and answer again with "I don't have any family. So, the answer is no." Officer Ahn asked her again to make sure about it with a scary look on her face, but her face turns back to normal when she sees that Sayeon's family history is listed as unknown on her biography. Officer Ahn finishes asking questions and ready to test Sayeon's aberrancy. Sayeon asked her about officer Ahn holding her hand for a few seconds and there will be a small spark if she turns out to be an aberrant, but officer Ahn said that it won't be necessary for her. Then, she activates her essence and touched Sayeon's forehead, making Sayeon's essence react but also breaking her glasses. Sayeon looks down to her hand surrounded by her essence with a feeling of terror.
- Sayeon Lee
- Officer Ahn
- Officer Cha
- Jaeil Kim (In Sayeon's thoughts)