Hand Jumper Wiki

Sungwoo Han is a Level Ten Officer and the Head of Aberrant Corps Third Headquarters. He is also a member of the 310 Council.


He looks like a man in his mid 30s - 40s and dresses as a normal civillian to avoid any suspicion . He is much more taller than Sayeon lee and well built. He wears glasses and uses a level 8 red tie


He is shown to be kind, friendly and outgoing in the interaction with Sayeon and even lends her his phone to contact Jaeil, but he uses this as a facade and has a much darker personality and views everybody as pawns for his plans. He posseses a red tie with a metal pin pattren of 8 to fool others into beliving he is a level 8 officer while being a level 10 officer. He also adresses people with a smilie to lure them in dropping their guard and embrace a false sense of comfort.




Aberrant Corps[]

He is the member of Council 310 and the leader of the 3rd HQ of abberant corps. He uses a red tie with level 8 metal pin pattern . Thus, Only a few high level officers know that he is the leader.
